The following list of documents can be used to obtain your 100 point verification and prove your identity.

Primary Documents – 70 Points.

  • Birth Certificate or Extract
  • Citizenship Certificate
  • International Travel Documents
    • a current passport
    • expired passport which has not been cancelled and was current within the preceding 2 years
    • other document of identity having the same characteristics as a passport (e.g. this may include some diplomatic documents and some documents issued to refugees)

Note: Do not score additional points for more than one document in this category.

Name of person verified from one of the following (but only where they contain a photograph or signature that can be matched)40 Points for first, 25 points per additional

  • A licence or permit issued under law of the Commonwealth, a State or Territory (e.g. an Australian driver’s licence)
  • An identification card issued to a public employee
  • An identification card issued by the Commonwealth, State or Territory as evidence of the person’s entitlement to financial benefit
  • An identification card issued to a student at a tertiary education institution

Note: Additional documents can be awarded 25 points document from this category.

Name and address of person verified from any of the following – 35 points:

  • A current employer, or a previous employer within the last 2 years
  • A rating authority (e.g. land rates)
  • The Credit Reference Association of Australia (subject to the Privacy Act 1988)
  • Land Titles Office Records

Name, address and telephone number verified – 25 Points

  • By reference to the latest telephone directory published by Telstra or by advice provided by Telstra; and
  • By telephone contact with the signatory on that telephone number.

Name of person verified from any other secondary identification document – 25 Points

  • E.g. marriage certificate (for maiden name only), credit card, council rates, telephone account, foreign driver’s licence, Medicare card etc.

Note: More than one document may be counted, but points scored from a particular source may be counted only once. E.g. If MasterCard and Visa Card issued from the same financial institution, only one may be counted.

Name and address of the person verified from any of the following – 25 Points

  • The records of a public utility
  • A record held under a law other than a law relating to land titles (for which see No.3)

Name and date of birth of person verified from any of the following – 25 Points

  • The records of a primary, secondary or tertiary education institution attended by the signatory within the last 10 years
  • The records of a professional or trade association of which the signatory is a member.


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