



The settlement industry is on the verge of  change, with the introduction of Electronic Conveyancing.

Riverside Settlements are proud to be a member of PEXA, (pRopeRty Exchange auSTRALIA), and look forward to being able to offer this feature to our clients.

What does this mean to you, our clients?

    • For Vendors, funds after settlement will generally be available as cleared funds in your account generally within minutes, rather than days under the old cheque based system.
    • For Purchasers, the Certificate of Title information held by Landgate will be updated in a much faster time frame, meaning that you have your name on the Title even quicker, increasing your security over the land.
    • Efficiency gains – All parties to the dealing have increased transparency and simplified communications, leading to a more efficient, smoother settlement.

And more!

We are a proud member of PEXA


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